Upcoming Events & Service Projects

Re-Entry Backpack Supply Drive
In partnership with Community Partners in Action, we would like to share the love of God with those newly-released from prison by filling shoeboxes of needed items for Re-Entry Backpacks.

SCC Volunteer Day at WAIM
Please join us for a morning as we serve together at WAIM in Willimantic.

Covenant Soup Kitchen Help
Kitchen Helpers Needed! We would like to support the Covenant Soup Kitchen by sending a team to help with meal prep and clean up.

Teen Ministry Sundays: Cookout & Laser Tag!
This month we’re heading outside for a couple rounds of outdoor laser tag, a hotdog roast, bonfire and time to hang out!

Egg Stuffing Party
Plan to stay after service on March 30th for the Egg Stuffing Party! We will meet in the downstairs classroom to help fill 3,200 eggs for the SCC Easter Egg Hunt. Help out for 10mins or the full time - many hands make light work!

SCC Membership Class
If you consider SCC your church home and would like to find out more about SCC and what it means to become a member, please consider joining us.

SCC Women’s Ministry: Movie Night
Join us for a fun evening of food, fellowship and a movie!

Saturday Supper for Project Hope
Volunteer opportunities for the final Saturday Supper of the 2024-25 season are now open!

16th Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Save the date, invite your friends, and plan to hop on over! Enjoy some indoor/outdoor family fun... games, crafts, treats and more.

Brunch for Church Lunch
Mark your calendars, and plan to join us after service on the 9th!

Saturday Supper for the No-Freeze Shelter
Volunteer opportunities for our monthly "No Freeze Meals" are now open.

Teen Ministry Sundays: Game Night!
Game night at the church! Come on out for laughter, snacks and friendly competition.

Italian Favorites Church Lunch
Mark your calendars, and plan to join us after service on the 16th!

SCC Women's Ministry: Game Night!
Join us for a relaxing evening of food, fun and fellowship!

IRIS: Run with Refugees & All Immigrants
Join a group from SCC on Sunday, February 9th, for a flat, beginner-friendly, 5K run/walk in New Haven to support refugees and immigrants.

Saturday Supper for the No-Freeze Shelter
Volunteer opportunities for our monthly "No Freeze Meals" are now open. Crockpot soups, sandwiches, chips, cookies and fruit are all needed.

Teen Ministry Sundays: Movie Night @ SCC
Movie night at the church! Wear you comfy clothes— and maybe even bring a blanket or pillow. Have a favorite snack you’d like to share? Bring it too!

Shepherd’s Pie Church Lunch
Mark your calendars, and plan to join us after service on the 12th!

Covenant Soup Kitchen Help
Kitchen Helpers Needed! We would like to support the Covenant Soup Kitchen by sending a team to help with meal prep and clean up.

Saturday Supper for the No-Freeze Shelter
Volunteer opportunities for our monthly "No Freeze Meals" are now open. Crockpot soups, sandwiches, chips, cookies and fruit are all needed.

All Kids Event: PJ & Donut Sunday
Calling all kids! Wear your favorite warm, fuzzy PJ's to church this Sunday and enjoy a donut!

Christmas Eve Service
You are invited! Come celebrate the joy of Christ's birth and the wonder of Immanuel, God with us.

CANCELLED: Teen Ministry Sundays: Bible Study Small Group
Next Bible Study Small Group happens on January 5th!

Teen Ministry Sundays: Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt & Gift Exchange
Join us for a Christmas lights scavenger hunt and gift exchange!

SCC Member’s Meeting
If you are a covenant member of Storrs Community Church, please plan to join us after service for a brief meeting and budget vote on December 15th.

Caroling at Mansfield Center for Nursing & Rehab
Please join, us after church lunch, as we spread some Christmas cheer for the residents of MCNR!

Comfort Food Church Lunch
Mark your calendars, and plan to join us after service on the 8th!

Advent Giving Opportunities
Tis the season to share God’s love with our neighbors! We have "adopted" two families this year through WAIM, and plan to deliver gift bags for the guests of the No-Freeze Shelter.