April’s meal is the final Saturday Supper of the 2024-2025 season!
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did to the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” - Matt. 25:40
We want to thank everyone who has participated in our monthly meal donation to Project Hope this year. This small gesture means so much to their guests! Thank you for partnering to sharing God's love in this very practical way.
Karen Anger for the Mercy & Justice Team
Volunteer opportunities for April’s meal are now open! Donations of sandwiches, fruit, water, chips and cookies, as well as crockpot meals of soup, chili, etc. are needed and appreciated. All donations can be dropped off at the home of Karen Anger in Mansfield Center. More detailed info will be provided to those participating before the delivery date. Questions? Contact Karen Anger.
Thank you so much for sharing God's love and for your faithfulness in this season!