Get Connected!
Whether you’re new to our community or have been a member here for years, we would love to have you join us as we follow Jesus and serve His church together.
Whatever your gifts, talents or comfort level, there is a place here for you.
If you would like to get involved, please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch soon!

SCC Service Opportunities
The majority of our congregation serves in some capacity— on Sunday mornings and in our communities throughout the week. Just as Christ came in service to us, we are to live in service to each other.
We are a church community for all seasons of life. Young or experienced, single or married, empty nesters or juggling kids— your gifts, talents, time and resources are a blessing to our community! Wondering were to start? The following highlights some of the ways you can get involved at SCC.
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples.” - John 13:34-35.
Join a group of people who serve behind the scenes (right after Sunday service) counting and recording the weekly offering. Counters serve in pairs approximately one Sunday a month-- training is included! If you are interested (and have been attending SCC for over 6 months) please contact Ken Adams.
Team Lead: Ken Adams
Serve on Sunday morning as a welcoming connection point for newcomers and our community. Storrs Community Church is a place where all are welcome, wherever they are on their faith journeys. As a Greeter, you get the first opportunity to welcome folks, including visitors, to our church on Sunday mornings. Typically Greeters serve one weekend a month and training is included. If you are interested, and have been coming to SCC for over 6 months, please contact Cinnamon Adams.
Teen volunteers welcome!
Team Lead: Contact SCC Office
Share your musical gifts with our community. The SCC worship team is a fun, hard-working and creative team of musicians dedicated to leading the community of SCC in musical worship. We value a diversity of styles, voices and faces on the stage. Interested musicians and vocalists are invited to consider auditioning, and joining the team. Please reach out more information about the auditioning process.
Team Leads: Sarah Eisele-Dyrli
Helping Hands
Serve families and individuals in our church community who are going through challenging times by providing meals and other practical support. Participation is as needed and flexible!
Teen volunteers welcome!
Team Lead: Contact SCC Office
Women’s Ministry
Help plan and run events to build community and support for the women of our community. Reach out to get connected!
Team Leads: Shawn Kornegay, Tina Brock
Facilities Team
Help steward our building and grounds through maintenance and planning. Your skills are needed indoors and out. Indoors, the team is always looking for individuals with plumbing, electrical, and carpentry know-how, as well as those with an interest in painting, sewing, etc. Outdoors, the team takes care of mowing, landscaping and gardening. Participation can be worked around your schedule.
Keep an eye out for the churchwide workdays the team hosts each year. These workdays are a great opportunity for families and individuals to help out as they tackle indoor/outdoor window cleaning, fall yard work and other tasks.
Teen volunteers welcome!
Team Lead: Nitsa Benson
Fellowship Team
Provide the back-stage support that ensures our coffee hour and church lunches thrive! The Fellowship Team consists of two crews; one to organize and prep for coffee and goodies on Sunday mornings and another to organize Church Lunches (approximately eight times a year). Volunteers are welcome for both teams!
Teen volunteers welcome!
Team Lead: Contact SCC Office
Cleaning Teams
Serve alongside our wonderful cleaning teams and help ensure our space is welcoming and safe for our community. Teams serve on a monthly basis and times are flexible. You are also welcome to volunteer as a rotator, providing coverage when regular crew members are unavailable.
Teen volunteers welcome!
Team Lead: Forrest Brown
Audio Visual Team
Sound support for Sunday morning service (and special services as needed), slide projection, management of zoom breakout rooms.
Teen volunteers welcome!
Team Lead: Jared Reed
Kid’s Ministry
Disciple, encourage and serve as role models for our SCC children. If you are interested (and have been attending SCC for over 6 months) please contact Robyn.
Teen volunteers welcome!
Team Lead: Robyn Wilgis
Teen’s Ministry
Disciple, encourage and serve as role models for our SCC teens. If you are interested (and have been attending SCC for over 6 months) please contact Robyn.
Team Lead: Robyn Wilgis
Serve our SCC families and infants on Sunday morning during the service. If you are interested (and have been attending SCC for over 6 months) please contact Robyn.
Teen volunteers welcome!
Team Lead: Robyn Wilgis
“Storrs Community Church is a place where - in the company of friends, neighbors, and community - we can humbly be truly alive in Jesus’ grace.” - Carrie F.