John Cuyler, Pastor
John Cuyler has served as Pastor of SCC since 1994. He has a Doctor of Ministry degree in Christian Spirituality and Masters of Divinity degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary located in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. Pastor Cuyler holds ministerial membership with the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference.
Robyn Barnett Wilgis, Director of Children and Family Ministries
Robyn Barnett Wilgis joined the church staff in February 2016, after serving as volunteer director of children’s ministry for SCC for eight years. Robyn holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Eastern Connecticut State University and a master’s degree in educational psychology from the University of Connecticut. Her work experience includes time as a school counselor and mental health worker, and most recently, as the Director of Alumni Relations for the Neag School of Education at UConn.
Board of Elders
The Board of Elders are elected by Storrs Community Church covenant members and agree to serve, lead and shepherd our community over the course of a 4-year term. The Elders are responsible for the church's overall spiritual health and climate. Their chief concern is the care and nurture of God’s people and the faithful stewarding of our resources. Current Board members:
Ken Adams (Treasurer)
Jeremy Barlow
Dan Brock
Christina Carlson
Sarah Eisele-Dyrli
Sarah Reed
Verity Klassen, Communication & Administration
Verity has been an active member of our congregation since 2014 and joined the church staff in September 2021. Verity has a background in elementary art education, administration, graphic design, digital marketing— and raising four active children! She is happy to take any Storrs Community Church questions you might have and help you get connected.