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THP Youth Summer Serve

  • South Church of Hartford 277 Main St. Hartford, CT United States (map)

This summer, June 26-30th, a group of teens from our church will be serving with The Hartford Project (THP) in our state’s capital. THP is an urban ministry immersion experience for teenagers. Church youth groups across New England are invited to come and live in Hartford, CT for five days in the summer. During this week they will serve the community, learn about poverty, experience racial reconciliation, and build relationships with the wider body of Christ. THP gives teens the opportunity to plug into what God is doing down the road in Hartford and meet other teens from churches around the state who love Jesus and/or are still trying to figure out what this whole following Jesus thing is all about. Please be praying for our youth during this special time!

Questions? Email Robyn Wilgis

May 21

CANCELLED - Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

July 10

All Church Potluck Picnic