Here are a few reminders for our THP Teen Team for this FRIDAY:
1. Our final All Teen Team Prep Meeting is THIS Friday, June 16th from 5:30pm-9pm at SCC (90 Tolland Turnpike, Coventry). Students are asked to bring a dish to share as well as their notebook (for those who received it already). Drinks will be provided. Please make this meeting a PRIORITY.
2. To prepare for this Friday’s meeting, read the Parable of the Cracked Road, answer the two questions, try the practice of Examen with prayer prompts, and read though the 2023 Planning Packet (see attachments). These will be discussed at our meeting. There may be a quiz around the Planning Packet, so come prepared😊. Please bring your copy of the Cracked Road and Examen prompts this Friday.
3. For those who haven’t submitted their Final Payment to SCC, please bring your check this Friday. Checks can be made out to SCC with “THP payment & your child’s name” in the memo.
Questions? Contact Robyn Wilgis and/or Cinnamon Adams.