Covenant Soup Kitchen in Willimantic is facing increased need with fewer volunteers. We would like to come alongside them this summer to help prepare and serve a lunch for 160 people on Saturday, July 30th. Please consider helping out by providing meatballs (to be served with spaghetti and sauce) and/or cookies or brownies for dessert. If you are available on July 30th, a team of SCC volunteers is needed the day of to assist in the kitchen.
Meatballs: Can be made ahead and frozen, to be thawed in time for the July 30th lunch. If you don't have freezer space, please contact Gail Ash-Morgan to make arrangements for freezer storage elsewhere. Store-bought meatballs are fine, too.
Cookies/brownies: Each serving of 2-3 cookies needs to be individually wrapped.
All food items need to be delivered to the Covenant Soup Kitchen on Saturday, July 30th, between 7:30 and 9:30 (at the very latest). If that delivery date/time is inconvenient for you, please contact Gail to set up transfer to another church volunteer for delivery.
Thank you for your continued care toward those in need!