Gift Bags for the No-Freeze Shelter
Every year our congregation fills gift bags so that guests at the No Freeze Shelter have something to open on Christmas morning.
Those gift bags, ready and waiting to be filled, are available at the back of the sanctuary! If you are interested in participating, pick up a bag and list of needed items, fill it with the items you have chosen from the list, and return to church by December 18th.
Adopt-A-Family Gift Tree
All the gift tags have been picked up! Thank you!! If you missed out and would still to like to participate, grocery gift cards for the families are always very appreciated.
Our teens will be wrapping the gifts for delivery this Sunday! No need to wrap them prior to the 11th, but please make sure your gift tag is attached to the gift so we know who it's for!
All gifts must be returned by December 18th, and gifts returned after December 11th should be wrapped or in gift bags.
If you are interested in making a personal connection and helping to deliver the gifts on the 18th, please get in touch with Karen Anger. Thank you for helping to celebrate Jesus' birth by spreading God's love!