Please prayerfully consider pledging to help ensure our faith community is able to follow where God leads us in 2025.

Thank you for your faithful giving!


Pledge Campaign FAQs

When is pledging season for 2025?

Pledge season begins on October 20th and runs through November 10th.

What is the pledge goal for 2025?

Our 2025 Pledge Goal is $382,000.

What is a pledge?

After prayerful consideration, a pledge is made in response to what God is asking you to give. The pledge is often referred to as a faith pledge because it requires faith and trust that God will meet our needs as we make His Kingdom a priority. The Board of Elders, in turn, makes financial commitments for the coming year based on the total pledges and in dependence upon God to supply what we need.

Why pledge?

We ask our regular givers to pledge to our budget at Storrs Community Church. Your pledge provides an estimate of your giving for the coming year and helps the Board of Elders in the budget planning process.

Is a pledge the same as a tithe?

The concept of a tithe comes from the Old Testament and refers to giving 10% of our income to the Lord. The tithe was paid to the temple for the priest and the poor and is a way to recognize our dependence on God as the source of all we have. The New Testament does not reference the tithe but encourages generosity that resembles God’s generosity. In the New Testament, giving is a voluntary sharing of our possessions with no stipulated percentage. Although we do not stress the tithe at SCC, pledging and tithing go together. Many at Storrs Community Church practice tithing but do so as an expression of gratitude for all God has given—a response that often leads to giving above the Old Testament requirement of 10% (see Gen. 28:16-22, Deut. 16:17, 2Cor.8:1-9:15).

What if my financial circumstances change?

Your faith pledge is not a contract or binding commitment. You may cancel, decrease, increase, or extend your pledge at any time. We understand that situations may arise where you need to adjust or cancel your pledge.